Interactive Map of Croatian Investment Potential

Izvor: HGK
Interactive Map of Croatian Investment Potential
Objavljeno: 10. 04. 2017. , Ažurirano: 10. 04. 2017.
Relevant Data in Digital Form

Izvor: HGK
Croatian Chamber of Economy facilitates searching for relevant information about specific economic and investment potentials of Croatian counties, by representing the interactive map of investment potential.
This map is a digital platform, which serves potential investors when looking for such information about specific counties, crucial economic branches, labour force availability according to education level, unemployment rate, education institutions, population number, average salary, transport infrastructure, entrepreneurial zones etc.
“What we wanted to achieve was to additionally encourage investment process (which would definitely increase our GDP rate), as well as create easier access by unifying all the data”, explained the vice president of the CCE Želimir Kramarić.
The map is a sort of reaction to the generally non-centralized and non-unified digital information display, even though since long ago this information have been very important for our investors in decision making processes. In addition, the disproportion between the investments in Zagreb area (66%) versus the investment in other counties, is more than evident.
“Croatia misses a more defined investment strategy, as well as export strategy. Investment promotion in manufacturing sector should be the main Croatian objective in the following period. And that is exactly what this map aims to do – to promote Croatia as the country which is attractive to foreign investors”, said Silva Stipić Kobali, director of the International and EU Affairs Sector at the CCE.
“Although there are some positive changes in the field of investments, it is still uncertain whether this trend is long-term or not”, Stipić Kobali additionally explained. The year 2014 was a first year of the visible increment after a long investment pause, which came with the economic crisis in 2008. Five most important countries of investment in Croatia in the period of 2003-2016 were Netherlands (21.1%), Austria (17.3%), Germany (9.5%), Luxembourg (7.3%) and Hungary (7.1%).
This map is primarily intended to serve the potential investors an everyone partaking in the promotion of Croatian as the country appealing for the investment and doing business in general. It is available on