The Organization of the Permanent Arbitration Court
THE BODIES of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy are the Presidency, the President and the Secretary of the Permanent Arbitration Court as well as the arbitral tribunals when acting in disputes before the Permanent Arbitration Court or thereof related.
The Presidency of the Permanent Arbitration Court at the Croatian Chamber of Economy handles the general supervision of its activities, ensures proper implementation of the Rules and other general acts of the Permanent Arbitration Court, decides and participates in matters related to the issues of competence, decides upon the proper use and allocation of financial resources of the Permanent Arbitration Court, examines and approves annual reports and next year’s schemes of the Permanent Arbitration Court and does all other work defined under the Rules and other acts of the Permanent Arbitration Court.
The members of the Presidency are, as follows:
The President:
- prof.dr. Mihajlo Dika, professor, Faculty of Law in Zagreb
- prof.dr. Hrvoje Sikirić, professor, Faculty of Law in Zagreb
- prof.dr. Siniša Petrović, professor, Faculty of Law in Zagreb
- Branko Hrvatin, president of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia
- academician Jakša Barbić
- prof.dr. emeritus Krešimir Sajko
- Branimir Kos, legal advisor of the Croatian Chamber of Economy
- Tin Matić, attorney-at-law from Zagreb
- Miljenko Giunio, procurator at firm “Metalmineral” Ltd.
The President of the Permanent Arbitration Court represents and stands for the Permanent Arbitration Court, appoints arbitrators and presidents of the arbitral tribunals in cases provided for in the Rules of Arbitration, decides upon the challenge of arbitrators, ensures maintenance and development of collaboration with others whose activity is of an interest for the Permanent Arbitration Court and conducts other activities determined by the acts of the Permanent Arbitration Court and the decisions of the Presidency.
Prof.dr. Mihajlo Dika is the President of the Permanent Arbitration Court.
The Vice-presidents of the Permanent Arbitration Court stand for the President in cases of his inability to perform his duties.
Prof.dr. Hrvoje Sikirić and prof.dr. Siniša Petrović are the vice-presidents of the Permanent Arbitration Court.
The Secretary of the Permanent Arbitration Court prepares the activities of the Presidency and the President of the Permanent Arbitration Court and enforces their decisions. The Secretary does all the administrative work necessary to constitute the arbitral tribunals and prepare for hearings, ensures proper implementation of verdicts and other decisions of the arbitral tribunals, administrates the activities of the Secretariat, prepares the annual report on the activities of the Permanent Arbitration Court, annual financial report and next year’s scheme and does other activities determined by the acts of the Permanent Arbitration Court.
The Secretary of the Permanent Arbitration Court is Ms. Andreja Čavlina, LL.M.