Izvor: Interreg Danube Region - Decorator

DECORATOR – arhitektura i građevinski procesi od kolijevke do kolijevke (Cradle-to-Cradle)

HGK kao projektni partner sudjeluje na projektu DECORATOR – arhitektura i građevinski procesi od kolijevke do kolijevke (Cradle-to-Cradle) čiji je cilj potaknuti kružnu transformaciju izgrađenog okoliša u Dunavskoj regiji (DR) zamišljajući regiju kao stvarni životni laboratorij za istraživanje transformacijskih praksi koje projekt promiče. Bavi se cirkularnošću kao holističkim izazovom, koji obuhvaća ekološku, kao i tehničku, društveno-kulturnu i ekonomsku domenu. Projekt se nadovezuje na inicijativu Novi europski Bauhaus jer teži cirkularnosti i tranziciji prema održivoj budućnosti kao estetskom, a ne isključivo tehnološkom projektu.

Evaluacijom različitih metoda gradnje i kombinacija materijala projekt nastoji pružiti korisne uvide u projektiranje zgrada koje neće zadovoljavati samo estetsku dimenziju, već biti i ekološki prihvatljive, prilagodljive i sposobne podržati kružno gospodarstvo.

U sklopu projekta razvit će se i testirati novi model suradnje i intervencije strukturiran oko pristupa od kolijevke do kolijevke (građevni materijali kao pokretači u metaboličkim ciklusima izgradnje i procesi osmišljeni da produže kvalitetu sirovina kako bi se u potpunosti uklonila ideja o otpadu).

Model će biti testiran kroz 5 pilota fokusiranih na građevinski lanac vrijednosti:

P1: Proizvodnja – tradicionalne tehnike i njihova upotreba u okviru kružnog gospodarenja

P2: Upotreba – inovativni modeli ekološkog poslovanja za sektor

P3: Kraj životnog vijeka – zadnji korak građevinskog sektora, oporaba otpadnog materijala i mogući modeli recikliranja

P4: Materijali – obnova zgrada i njihovo korištenje za nove modele u skladu s novonastalim potrebama i načinom života

P5: Dizajn – poticanje suradnje između umjetnika i građevinskog sektora za promicanje novih vizija, dimenzija i načina života

Hrvatska gospodarska komora na projektu je, uz sudjelovanje na ostalim projektnim aktivnostima, zadužena za organizaciju i provedbu tri pilot projekta na području Republike Hrvatske.

Projekt se provodi u okviru programa prekogranične suradnje INTERREG Danube Region i na njemu sudjeluje 13 partnera iz Dunavske regije:

  1. Tehnološki park Ljubljana (SI, vodeći partner)
  2. Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (DE)
  3. Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Transfer of Knowledge (BA)
  4. Pannon Business Network Association (HU)
  5. Bayern Innovative (DE)
  6. Business Upper Austria (AT)
  7. Hrvatska gospodarska komora
  8. KO-FA Association, legal management entity of the PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster (RO)
  9. Croatian Wood Cluster
  10. Creative Region Linz& Upper Austria (AT)
  11. University of Nova Gorica (SI)
  12. Hungarian Open Innovation Cluster for Construction - EDUPARK Nonprofit Kft (HU)
  13. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry (RS)

Trajanje projekta: 1.1.2024. – 30.6.2026. (30 mjeseci)

Ukupan budžet projekta: 2.570.644,38 EUR

Iznos EU sufinanciranja: 2.056.515,50 EUR

Prioritetna os programa: Konkurentnija i pametnija dunavska regija

Ova objava je izrađena uz pomoć Europske unije. Sadržaj ove objave isključiva je odgovornost Hrvatske gospodarske komore te ni na koji način ne može odražavati stavove Europske unije.


DECORATOR - Danubians Cradle-to-Cradle Architecture and construction processes

Croatian Chamber of Economy is a project partner on DECORATOR - Danubians Cradle-to-Cradle Architecture and construction processes project which aims to to catalyze the circular transformation of the built environment in the Danube Region (DR) by conceiving the region as a real life-laboratory for inquiring into the transformational practices promoted by the project. It addresses circularity as a holistic challenge, encompassing the ecological as well the technical, socio-cultural and the economic domain. The project ties in with the New European Bauhaus initiative in that it pursues circularity and the transitioning towards a sustainable future as an aesthetic rather than exclusively technological project.

By evaluating different construction methods and material combinations, the project seeks to provide valuable insights into designing buildings that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally friendly, adaptable, and capable of supporting a circular economy.

The project will develop and test a new model of collaboration and intervention structured around a cradle-to-cradle approach (building materials as nutrients in the metabolic cycles of construction and processes designed to prolong the quality of raw materials in order to completely eliminate the idea of waste).

DECORATOR model will be tested with 5 pilot actions (PA) focusing on the construction value chain:

PA1: Production – focusing on the traditional techniques and their use in the frame of circularity

PA2: Use - focusing on the innovative eco-business models for the sector

PA3: End of life – focusing on the last step of the construction sector, the recovery of the waste material and possible recycling models

PA4: Materials – focusing on the renovation of buildings and their use for new model of buildings according to emerging needs and way of living

PA5: Design – triggering the collaboration between artists and construction sector to promote new visions, dimensions and way of living

In addition to participating in other project activities, the Croatian Chamber of Economy is responsible for the organization and implementation of three pilot projects in the Republic of Croatia.

The project is implemented within the INTERREG Danube Region transnational programme. Project partnership is made up of 13 partners from Danube region:

  1. Technology Park Ljubljana (SI, Lead partner)
  2. Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (DE)
  3. Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Transfer of Knowledge (BA)
  4. Pannon Business Network Association (HU)
  5. Bayern Innovative (DE)
  6. Business Upper Austria (AT)
  7. Croatian Chamber of Economy
  8. KO-FA Association, legal management entity of the PRO WOOD Regional Wood Cluster (RO)
  9. Croatian Wood Cluster
  10. Creative Region Linz& Upper Austria (AT)
  11. University of Nova Gorica (SI)
  12. Hungarian Open Innovation Cluster for Construction - EDUPARK Nonprofit Kft (HU)
  13. University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry (RS)

Project duration: 1.1.2024. – 30.6.2026. (30 months)

Total project budget: EUR 2.570.644,38

EU co-financing: EUR 2.056.515,50

Programme priority: A more competitive and smarter Danube Region

This publication was produced with the help of the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Croatian Chamber of Economy and cannot in any way reflect the views of the European Union.